
  • K A Elemo



Crop arrangement, density, intercrop, maize, sorghum, productivity.


Productivity of maize-sorghum mixture was examined at two crop densities and four crop arrangementpatterns of the component crops in the northern guinea savanna agro-ecological zone of Nigeria. Thestudy aimed at determining the appropriate crop density and arrangements for obtaining desirableyields of sorghum cv. SAMSORG 14 and maize cv. TZESRW. The crop density by arrangement interactioneffect on all parameters measured was not significant. Establishment of the mixture componentsat full sole crop density generally increased sorghum grain and stover yields but decreasedmaize cob weight per plant and sorghum panicle weight per plant as compared to growing the componentsat half sole crop density. Although maize stover yield was also increased by full sole crop density,the grain yield was not significantly affected. Sorghum appeared to be more competitive in themixture than maize and seemed to have benefitted more from the association, particularly when it wasarranged at closer proximity to maize. Cultivating the components in alternate single rows acrossridges appeared promising, but alternate double ridge arrangement tended to reduce yield advantageas compared to alternate single ridge and alternate stands along and across ridges


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Original Manuscript