
  • J. A. SOAGA
  • B. O. OPEOLU



‘Adire’ textile, GDP, effluents, profitability, aquatic, environment


Clothing materials are one of the basic necessities of life.  Traditional clothing materials popularly called ‘adire’ thrive in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria due to the rising demand from an expanding population. This study revealed that over 70% of the producers are female with 23.3% male.  The ‘adire’ industry provides income and employment and thus contributes to the GDP of the nation.  Despite its significance, effluents from the industry contribute to environmental degradation and further affect the health of producers.  Health problems identified include skin rashes, ulceration, swelling, respiratory diseases and complications during delivery.  In addition, available water bodies serve as waste receptacle for effluents from the industry thereby disturbing aquatic biodiversity while those discharged on land affect the terrestrial diversity.  Despite the negative impact, the cost and return analysis of the industry showed profitability. At Itoku, a profit of N117,600 was made and at Asero, a profit of N110,700 was made from small enterprises producing ‘adire’ in the two locations. As a result, more people will be attracted into the industry.  In view of this, recommendations were made to protect man and the environment from effluents discharge of the indigenous industry.  Such recommendations include education, proper waste management and legislation to improve production methods and consequently enhance living standards.



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