
  • O A Fasae
  • O S Sowande
  • A A Popoola




Ruminant, fodder, tree, shrub, chemical composition, in vitro digestibility


The potentials of selected leaves of trees and foliage of shrubs as fodder in ruminant production systemwere evaluated using chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility as indices. Theselected trees were Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Leucaena leucocephala, Moringa oleifera, Gliricidiasepium, Pterocarpus santalinoides, and Millettia grifoniana, and shrubs were Stylosanthes scabra,Tephrosia bracteolata and Lablab purpureus. The results showed that the chemical compositions ofleaves of trees and foliage of shrubs varied significantly (p<0.05) among species. The crude protein(CP) content of the tree leaves ranged from 15.20 to 25.43% for Pterocarpus santalinoides and Moringaoleifera leaves, respectively, while CP in foliage of shrubs ranged from 21.63 and 26.67% forStylosanthes scabra, and Lablab purpureus, respectively. The in vitro dry matter digestibilities of theseleaves also varied significantly (p<0.05) with the selected trees ranging from 40.80 to 74.75% for Millettiagrifoniana and Gliricidia sepium, respectively while shrubs ranged from 50.35 to 61.24% for Stylosanthesscabra, and Lablab purpureus, respectively. Results indicated that these forages are highlydigestible and their inherent nutrients are higher than the range recommended for maintenance inruminant production. These fodders can be fed as supplements to low protein forage and can alleviatefeed shortages experienced for ruminants in dry season.


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