
  • O. J. OLAOYE
  • G. N.O. EZERI




Bacteria, fungi, microbial load, smoked prawn, spoilage.


This study is aimed at isolating and characterizing micro-organisms of Macrobranchium spp. gotten from markets in Abeokuta. Twelve different samples of whole smoked prawns (Macrobranchium spp.) were purchased from two different locations each in six major markets (Itoku, Omida, Iberekodo, Lafenwa, Panseke and Olomore) within the Abeokuta metropolis in Ogun State. Their microbial load was analyzed using Mac-Conkey agar (MA), Deoxycholate citrate agar (DCA), Nutrient agar (NA), and Mannitol salt agar (MSA) for bacteria isolation while Potato Dextrose agar (PDA) was used to isolate the fungi in the microbiology laboratory of the department of Microbiology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Staphylococcus aureus and Citrobacter spp (22.22% each) dominated the samples while the fungal specie that occurred most frequently in the samples was Aspergillus niger (31.03%). The total bacterial counts for all the samples ranged from 9x102 to 1.0x103 cfu/g and fungal count were between 21%-90% in terms of frequency of occurrence. These microorganisms cause food spoilage and poisoning and the occurrence of such microorganisms may be as a result unhygienic handling of prawns during processing as some of the microorganisms may be post-harvest contaminants. Adequate cooking could help in reducing microorganism of smoked prawn.



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