
  • A. M. OMOARE Department of Agricultural Education, Federal College of Education, Abeokuta



profitability, resource use, efficiency, orange flesh, orange, flesh, sweet potato


Nigeria is a major producer of sweet potato in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This study looked at resource use efficiency and profitability of Orange Flesh Sweet Potato (OFSP) in Osun State, Nigeria. Two out of the three zones in Osun State were randomly selected from which six blocks were selected; and thirty cells were randomly selected from the six blocks. Two Hundred and Fifty (250) respondents were randomly selected across the thirty cells for the study. Data were analyzed using linear regression and Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC). Results of the study showed that respondents are agile and active in orange flesh sweet potato production, with mean age of 38.8 years and had wealth of experience (12.6 years). Most (82.4%) of the respondents cultivated orange flesh sweet potato on ridges, 78.8% used hired labour and 92.4% used personal savings for orange flesh sweet potato farming. The average yield of orange flesh sweet potato was 6.20 tonnes/ha, the Total Revenue (TR) was ₦127,999.93/ha while the profit was ₦46,841.93/ha. Major limitations to orange flesh sweet potato production are inadequate finance (83.2%), poor extension service support (80.45), and inadequate market information (74%). Results of linear regression showed that land (t = 3.146, p = 0.001), labour (t = -3.105, p = 0.003), agrochemicals (t = 8.499, p = 0.000), and seeds (t = 3.928, p = 0.004) were determinants of orange flesh sweet potato production (p < 0.05). In addition, correlation revealed negative relationship between constraints faced by the respondents and profit realized from orange flesh sweet potato production (r = -0.72, p = 0.01). The study concluded that orange flesh sweet potato production was profitable. It was recommended that soft credits should be extended to sweet potato farmers by the banks in the study area.




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