
  • D.A. EKUNSEITAN Department of Animal Production and Health
  • I.M. ALAGBADA Department of Animal Production and Health
  • O.F. EKUNSEITAN Department of Food Science and Technology
  • J.O. ASA Department of Animal Production and Health
  • W.O. ADEGUN Department of Animal Production and Health
  • O.A. ALAO Department of Animal Production and Health


Meat quality attributes, antioxidants, selenium, vitamin E, sensorial response, poultry meat


Climate change has created a pronounced heat-stress challenge to the poultry industry in the tropics with resultant effect on the quality of meat produced, therefore it becomes vital to seek methods in alleviating this problem. The objective of this research was to determine the impact of dietary vitamin E and selenium (VE+Se) on quality characteristics of meat. A total of 150-day old broiler chickens were fed diet containing VE+Se at 0,100 mg VE+ 0.05 mg Se, 200 mg VE+ 0.1 mg Se, 300 mg VE+0.15 mg Se and 400 mg VE+0.2 mg Se Kg of feed. At the 49th day of age, birds were slaughtered for meat evaluation. Data generated on meat quality: carcass characteristics, sensorial profile, water holding capacity (WHC), water absorption capacity (WAC), colour and proximate composition, were arranged in a One-way ANOVA. The highest (p<0.05) dressing (%) and prime cuts (thigh, drumstick and breast) were observed from the 400 mg VE + 0.2 mg Se feeding. Highest  flavour and tenderness were recorded  from the 400 mg VE + 0.2 mg Se feed while juiciness and overall flavour were highest in control and 400 mg VE + 0.2 mg Se diet. Dietary VE+Se had significant (p<0.05) effect on meat colour, highest (p<0.05) b*(yellowness) intensity was observed  from 100 mg VE + 0.05 mg Se and 400 mg VE+0.2 mg Se diets, a*(redness) in 0 mg and lightness in the VE+Se supplemented groups. These findings showed dietary supplementation of VE+Se up to 400 mg Ve + 0.2 mg Se in poultry diets influenced prime cuts (thigh, breast and drumstick) and improved consumer perception and meat colour.



Author Biographies

D.A. EKUNSEITAN, Department of Animal Production and Health

Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria

I.M. ALAGBADA, Department of Animal Production and Health

Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria

O.F. EKUNSEITAN, Department of Food Science and Technology

Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria

J.O. ASA, Department of Animal Production and Health

Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria


W.O. ADEGUN, Department of Animal Production and Health

Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria


O.A. ALAO, Department of Animal Production and Health

Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria



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