
  • T. A. AJADI Department of Veterinary Surgery and Theriogenology
  • F. T. TIJANI Department of Veterinary Surgery and Theriogenology
  • L. MUSTAPHA Department of Veterinary Surgery and Theriogenology


Ejaculate; Placebo; Preliminary study; Revive®; Semen; Sperm


There are numerous indications for collection of semen from a male dog, yet there are various limitations that have been identified with the most common method used. Two adult male and one female local dogs with mean weight of 13.4 ± 0.7 kg were used in this study. Treatment orders (T1 – T4) used were 10 ml placebo administered orally 30 minutes before semen collection (SC) in the presence of teaser bitch (T1); 400 mg of Revive® capsules administered orally 30 minutes before SC in the presence of teaser bitch (T2); 10 ml of placebo administered orally 30 minutes before SC in the absence of teaser bitch (T3) and 400 mg of Revive® capsule administered orally 30 minutes before SC in the absence of teaser bitch (T4). A cross over design was used in this study in which each dog acted as his own control and participated in all the treatment groups. T1– T4 were assigned based on complete block design wherein each dog received each treatment thrice in a week. Each dog was ejaculated using digital manipulation method. The length of time to obtain ejaculate (Collection time, CT) was recorded. Semen volume (V), Sperm concentration (C), motility (M), and percentage live sperm (L) were determined for each ejaculate, using standard methods. The results were statistically evaluated using complete block analysis of variance (ANOVA) at level of significance of P=0.05. The mean collection time was 232.5±10.2secs for all treatments, CT was lower in T1 compared to T2 but the difference between dogs for CT was not significant. Mean Semen volume showed statistical difference between dogs. Mean values of V, C, M and L varied between the different groups. Results of this study showed that Revive® appeared not to have an effect on any of the ejaculate characteristics

Author Biographies

T. A. AJADI, Department of Veterinary Surgery and Theriogenology

Federal University of Agriculture, P. M. B. 2240, Abeokuta, Ogun State.

F. T. TIJANI, Department of Veterinary Surgery and Theriogenology

Federal University of Agriculture, P. M. B. 2240, Abeokuta, Ogun State.

L. MUSTAPHA, Department of Veterinary Surgery and Theriogenology

Federal University of Agriculture, P. M. B. 2240, Abeokuta, Ogun State.



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Original Manuscript