
  • M.O. SODAMOLA Federal College of Agriculture
  • Y. A, ADEJOLA Federal College of Agriculture
  • A. OLANREWAJU Federal College of Agriculture


dietary, catfish


Tetrapleura tetraptera is a deciduous tree native to tropical Africa with medicinal and nutritional properties and so has the potential for use in aquafeed as a functional feed additive for better feed utilisation and growth. The present research investigated the effects of Tetrapleura tetraptera-derived Aridan Pod Powder on the growth performance of African Catfish. A total of 300 fingerlings were acclimatized for two weeks and divided into five treatment groups with 20 fish per replicate. Treatment A served as the control, while treatments B to E included 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% inclusion levels of Tetrapleura tetraptera, respectively. The experiment lasted eight weeks; growth and survival rates were evaluated as parameters. The inclusion of 2.5% Tetrapleura tetraptera resulted in the highest weight gain (7.85g) and survival rate (78.00%) among all treatments. 5% inclusion also showed significant improvements in weight gain (3.48 g) and survival rate (65.50%). In contrast, 10% inclusion had the lowest weight gain (0.83 g) and survival rate (55.00%). The study concluded that a 2.5% inclusion of Tetrapleura tetraptera in the catfish diet can enhance weight gain and survival rates, suggesting its potential as a dietary supplement for improved growth performance in African Catfish.


Author Biographies

M.O. SODAMOLA, Federal College of Agriculture

Federal College of Agriculture, Moor Plantation, Ibadan, Nigeria

Y. A, ADEJOLA, Federal College of Agriculture

Federal College of Agriculture, Moor Plantation, Ibadan, Nigeria

A. OLANREWAJU , Federal College of Agriculture

Federal College of Agriculture, Moor Plantation, Ibadan, Nigeria,



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Original Manuscript