
  • L. A. HAMMED Department of Horticulture
  • S. O. ALPHEUS Department of Soil Science and Land Management
  • G. A. AJIBOYE Department of Soil Science and Land Management
  • A. O. OLAIYA Department of Plant Physiology and Crop Production
  • J. O. JAIYEOLA Department of Crop Production


Cocoa, Seedling Growth, Growth media, Nutrient amendment


To increase production capacity of cocoa in Nigeria, the Federal Government distributed improved cocoa varieties to farmers for raising seedlings. Farmers used soils from various cocoa plantations and the resultant seedlings were of reduced and varied growth. A screen-house experiment was conducted at FUNAAB to determine the suitability or otherwise of top-soils collected from some cocoa plantations amended with nutrient elements for raising cocoa seedlings in Nigeria. A 6 x 9 factorial experiment was conducted using six growth media: top soils collected from major cocoa growing regions (Etung-A, Etung-B, Idanre, Atakumosa, Abeokuta) and Sawdust. Each medium was amended with a combination of seven nutrient elements (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, B) essential for cocoa production in Nigeria. Using nutrient omission technique, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, B (Complete) were combined by omitting each of the nutrients: (Complete minus B, Zn, Mg, Ca, K, P or N) and Control, giving eight nutrient combinations and control. In all, there were (9x6)=54 treatment combinations in split plot arrangement in completely randomised design, replicated three times. Growth media and soil amendment were allotted to main and sub plots, respectively. Data collected on germination percentage and plant height were subjected to analysis of variance and means were separated using standard error of the difference (sed). Plant height of seedlings raised on soils from Idanre amended with Complete-B was 40.3 cm compared to Control (32.03 cm). Height of seedlings raised on Atakumosa soil amended with Complete was 35.27cm while the control seedlings had 24.87cm. Height of seedlings raised on Etung-A soil amended with Complete-Zn was 32.73 cm which was higher than its unamended treatment with 25.30 cm. Height of seedlings raised on Etung-B soil amended with Complete-Zn (with 31.43 cm) was equally higher than its control plant (with 24.57cm) while seedlings raised on soils from Abeokuta plantations, amended with Complete-Zn was 41.93 cm in height. This was higher than its control seedlings with 36.5cm height. Height of seedlings raised on Sawdust amended with Complete-B was 40.67cm while its control treatment was 18.83 cm. The differences were all significant. This implies that soils from Abeokuta, Idanre, Etung-B and Etung-A plantations require an amendment with Complete-Zn while soils from Atakumosa require amendment with Complete nutrient for improved growth vigour of cocoa seedlings. These results have implications on rehabilitation operations of cocoa plantations through total replanting method.



Author Biographies

L. A. HAMMED, Department of Horticulture

Department of Horticulture, Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Nigeria.


S. O. ALPHEUS, Department of Soil Science and Land Management

Department of Soil Science and Land Management, Federal University of Agriculture

Abeokuta, Nigeria

G. A. AJIBOYE, Department of Soil Science and Land Management

Department of Soil Science and Land Management, Federal University of Agriculture

Abeokuta, Nigeria

A. O. OLAIYA , Department of Plant Physiology and Crop Production

Department of Plant Physiology and Crop Production, Federal University of

Agriculture Abeokuta, Nigeria

J. O. JAIYEOLA, Department of Crop Production

Department of Crop Production, Nassarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria


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Original Manuscript