
  • W. U. OSIAGOR Department of Agricultural Education
  • C. NWANKWO Department of Agricultural Education


The effects of Aspilia africana (bush marigold) leaf extract on the performance and blood biochemistry of broiler chickens were evaluated in a feeding trial for 56 days. A total of One hundred and twenty (120) mixed sexed day-old broiler chicks of the breed Cuphon were randomly grouped into four treatments, with three replicates of ten birds each in a completely randomized design (CRD) at 4 weeks of age after brooding. The Aspilia africana leaves were harvested fresh from the premises of the Teaching and Research Farm, School of Secondary Education, Federal College of Education (Technical) Omoku Rivers State. For each treated group, the appropriate quantity of  3g,  4g and 5g of leaves were weighed accordingly, chopped into small sizes and blended. The blended samples were thereafter added to 5 litres of water each and sieved with a fine sieve.  The sieved extracts were then served to the birds as their drinking water per treatment group on a daily basis for the experimental period.  T1 served as the control (without Aspilia africana  in their drinking water of 5 litres),  T2  received 3g /5 litres of  water, T3 received 4g/5 litres of  water and T4 received 5g/5 litres of  water.   Growth parameters, feed intake, water intake, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio were evaluated. At the end of the experimental period, three (3) birds per treatment (one bird per replicate) were randomly selected and bled by severing the jugular vein. The blood samples were collected in a labeled lithium heparin bottle  and were analyzed for total cholesterol (TC),  triglyceride (TG),  high density lipoprotein (HDL), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphate (ALP), total protein (TP), total bilirubin (ALB) and conjugated bilirubin (CB). Data collected were analyzed by one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for complete randomized designs; differences between means were separated by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). There were significant differences (p<0.05) in the body weight gain, daily feed intake, daily water intake and feed conversion ratio. Birds in  T2 (3g /5 litres) recorded  the best result for feed conversion ratio (2.59±0.01), feed intake (126.72±0.11) and weight gain (48.99±0.03); followed by T3(4g/ 5 litres) and T4 (5g/ 5 litres). The blood biochemistry analysis revealed that there were significant differences (p<0.05) in TC, TG, HDL, AST, ALT and ALP while TP, TB and CB showed numerical differences. It was observed that TC and HDL increased with increased Aspilia africana in the water served among the treated birds while TG, ALT and ALP decreased. However, birds on low level of Aspilia africana in T2 (3g/5 litres) gave a better result in all the blood biochemistry attributes evaluated among the treated groups. The result from this study revealed that 3g of Aspilia africana leaf extract in 5 litres of water can be recommended for broiler production, since it promotes growth with better blood biochemistry result compared to other treated groups in this study.


Author Biographies

W. U. OSIAGOR , Department of Agricultural Education

Department of Agricultural Education Federal College of Education (Tech.)

Omoku Rivers State.


C. NWANKWO, Department of Agricultural Education

Department of Agricultural Education Federal College of Education (Tech.)

Omoku Rivers State.



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