
  • D. K. OJO


Diallel,, Heritability, Mating,, Combining Ability


The importance of soybean grain for human food, animal feed, protein, oil and industry is hindered in
Nigeria by the absence of high-yielding improved varieties, emphasizing the need for enhanced variety
to optimize yields. Ten hybrid soybean genotypes obtained from partial diallel crossing and their putative parents were evaluated on the field using randomized complete block design in three replications
at the Research Farm of International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. High General Combining Ability
was observed in TGx1987-62F for number of grains per pod, number of pods per plant and number of
grains per plant. High GCA was also observed in TGx1989-19F for pod length, pod width, number of
pods per plant and grain yield per plant. The most promising crosses that revealed high and positive
Specific Combining Ability effect for grain yield were TGx1835-10E × TGx1987-62F, TGx1835-10E ×
TGx1988-5F and TGx1988-5F × TGx1989-19F. Narrow-sense heritability (HN) estimate was high for
pod width, number of pods per plant and 100-grain weight. These traits could therefore, respond to
selection. Genotypes such as TGx1989-19F and TGx1987-62F with high GCA and involved in crosses
with high SCA for grain yield and yield-related characters could be considered for yield improvement in

Author Biographies


Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Technology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun state, Nigeria


International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria


Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Technology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun state, Nigeria


Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Technology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun state, Nigeria


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Original Manuscript