Mango ginger, till, weed biomass, rhizome, plantsAbstract
Mango Ginger is a rhizomatous spice crop valued for its medicinal properties and mango-like flavour, but its growth and yield can be hampered by weed infestation. Deleterious effects of weeds on crop productivity could be minimized by the use of cultural practices. Therefore, influence of tillage and plant population density on fresh rhizome yield of mango ginger in Southwestern Nigeria were investigated in early and late wet seasons, in 2016. Treatments were laid out in split plot arrangement in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Main plot treatments were two levels of tillage operations viz: till and no till. The sub-plot treatments consisted of five planting populations viz: 66,667 plants/ha, 83,333 plants/ha, 111,111 plants/ha, 133,333 plants/ha and 166,667 plants/ha. Data collected on weed, growth and yield of mango ginger were analyzed using ANOVA, and treatment means were separated using the least significant difference at p ≤ 0.05. Tillage and plant populations had significant effects on both the weed biomass and rhizome yield. Higher weed biomass were recorded in the no till plots compared to the till plots, while higher mango ginger yield was recorded from the tilled plots compared to the no tilled plots. In this study, weed biomass decreased with increase in plant population. Planting mango ginger at 133,333 plants/ha resulted in the highest rhizome yield, while planting mango ginger at 83,333 and 66,667 plants/ha resulted in the lower yields. Mango ginger could be planted at 133,333 plants/ha on a tilled soil.
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