An Improved Technique for Multi-Dimensional Constrained Gradient Mining
Data mining, Association rules, Frequent itemsets, Multidimensional, Constraints, Gradient.Abstract
Multi-dimensional Constrained Gradient Mining, which is an aspect of data mining, is based on mining constrained frequent gradient pattern pairs with significant difference in their measures in transactional database. Top-k Fp-growth with Gradient Pruning and Top-k Fp-growth with No Gradient Pruning were the two algorithms used for Multi-dimensional Constrained Gradient Mining in previous studies. However, these algorithms have their shortcomings. The first requires construction of Fp-tree before searching through the database and the second algorithm requires searching of database twice in finding frequent pattern pairs. These cause the problems of using large amount of time and memory space, which retrogressively make mining of database cumbersome. Based on this anomaly, a new algorithm that combines Top-k Fp-growth with Gradient pruning and Top-k Fp-growth with No Gradient pruning is designed to eliminate these drawbacks. The new algorithm called Top-K Fp-growth with support Gradient pruning (SUPGRAP) employs the method of scanning the database once, by searching for the node and all the descendant of the node of every task at each level. The idea is to form projected Multidimensional Database and then find the Multidimensional patterns within the projected databases. The evaluation of the new algorithm shows significant improvement in terms of time and space required over the existing algorithms.
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