Chemical and Sensory Characteristics of Fufu Made From Mixtures of Cassava and African Breadfruit Flours


  • C. A. Agbon
  • C. O. Akinyemi
  • A. Adeleke
  • E. C. Okeke



Cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) tubers and  African breadfruit (Treculia africana) were processed separately into instant flours and mixed at different proportions. Five samples were developed using ratios of; 50:50, 60:40, 70:30, 80:20 and 90:10% of cassava flour to African breadfruit flour respectively. These  were made into fufu and subjected to sensory and chemical evaluation. The results of proximate analysis showed that the protein contents of all samples were statistically different from each other (p<0.05) with the highest content coming from 50:50 cassava-breadfruit fufu (3.28g/100g). Cassava-breadfruit fufu 90:10% ratio had the highest  energy value of 367.64Kcal/100g and was also significantly different from all the other samples. The highest content of all the minerals examined (iron, zinc, calcium, copper) were in 50:50% cassava-breadfruit fufu. While cassava breadfruit fufu 90:10 recorded the lowest mineral content. Sensory evaluation showed the taste of cassava breadfruit fufu 50:50 to be preferred to that of others (p<0.05) but the colour of cassava breadfruit fufu 90:10 had  the highest acceptance. The addition of breadfruit increased energy, protein and iron contents of cassava fufu.



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