
  • D. A. OJO



plasmids, antibiotic resistant bacteria, multiple drug resistance, potable water, ceftazidine


Antibiotic sensitivity pattern of bacterial isolates obtained from sachet water from Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria was investigated.  A total of 300 sachet water samples were collected during the dry and rainy season of 2011 to 2012. Selected physicochemical analysis of the sachet water showed a pH range of 5.5-6.5, turbidity of 1.0 –1.5 NTU and temperature of 28-300C. The mean aerobic mesophilic bacterial count of the sachet water samples ranged from 13.4 x 103 – 18.7 x 103 CFU/mL, while the mean total coliform count ranged from 0.153 - 0.163 x 103 CFU/mL. The physicochemical parameters of the sachet water samples were within the WHO standard for potable water. Bacteria isolated from sachet water samples include Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp, Enterobacter sp and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Most of the isolates were highly sensitive to Levoxin and Ceftazidime. Plasmid analyses revealed that there were detectable plasmids in 7.1% of the 14 multi-drug resistant isolates. Cured plasmid encoded resistant isolates were susceptible to Ceftazidime, Ceftriaxone, Gentamycin, Augmentin and Streptomycin.



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