Fuel, renewable energy, biomass, retention period, temperature.Abstract
The recent price rise and scarcity of fuels, has stimulated a trend towards the use of alternative energy sources like solar, wind, geothermal, etc. The global energy crisis has generated interest in the use of animal waste as a substitute to fossil fuel for biogas generation. Two treatments were set up consisting of: A. 6kg of cow dung in 13litres of water and B. 6kg of cow dung mixed with 0.5kg of food waste and 0.5kg of paper all in 13litres of water. The retention period was sixty days. Results obtained show that on the average treatment A generated 14.29grams (0.0119 m3) and treatment B generated 15grams (0.0125m3) of combustible gas per day. It was also observed that treatment B started the generation of methane on day sixteen while experiment A started on day twenty two. Ignition test conducted on the biogas generated produced luminous blue flame. Also gas analysis was carried out to know the percentage composition of each constituent in the generated biogas. It was discovered that the combustible biogas has a methane content of 60%.
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