Cassava, pelletizing, storability, properties, microbes, cattleAbstract
This study was carried out to determine storability, microbiological assay and chemical composition of pelletized cassava based diets. Four nitrogenous sources were used in the experimental diets as follows: T1, contained 200g/kg palm kernel cake (PK); 200g/kg caged layers droppings (CL) (T2), 200g/kg Gmelina arborea (GA) leaves (T3) and 40g/kg urea (UR)(T4). All the diets were pelletized. Other ingredients (g/kg) that made up each of the treatments were as follows: cassava sievate, 205; molasses, 100; Sulphur, 3; corn bran, 80; salt, 7; vit./min. Premix, 5. Media used were Salmonella Shigella agar, Potato dextrose agar, Manitol salt agar and Eosine methylene blue agar. Samples (1g) were taken at intervals of 1, 15 and 30 days for microbial analysis, while chemical composition was analysed at 1 day and 30 days after storage. Data generated were subjected to one way Analysis of Variance using Completely randomized design. No visible colour change, caking and mould growth were observed. Most of the bacteria and fungi isolated (Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter sp., Mucour sp., Aspergillus sp.,) were persistent throughout the storage period. There was no significant difference between microbial profile and total viable counts of the diets forms. GA had the highest level of crude protein. Proximate and fibre fractions of the diets reduced with increase in storage age. Thus, feeding animals with the pelletized cassava-based feed with urea as the non-protein nitrogen source either readily or after storage is recommended.
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