Appliance, Automated System, Device, GSM, Home, MobileAbstract
Home automation systems are designated electronic systems in homes and residential buildings that makes it possible for the automation of household appliances. The challenges faced by home automation systems are high cost of ownership, inflexibility, poor manageability and difficulty in achieving security. In this work, a secured global system for mobile communication-based home automation system (GSM-HAS) was designed. The proposed system has a more improved technology that enhances flexibility by using GSM technology to interconnect its component to home automation system. The system comprises of five modules namely Mobile Phone, SIM900 GSM Module, Arduino Board, Relay Module and Peripheral Devices. The system used SIM900 Module which allows users to effectively control their house/office appliances simply by sending a short message service (SMS) to the device. ATMEGA328P microcontroller was used to communicate with SIM900 module and the relay module to carry out the basic ON/OFF operations received from the user android application. The android application was implemented using Java programming language and MySql database. The performance of the system shows that the user can control the home appliances through the android application, with an additional control for activating and deactivating the sensor system at home/office. The system helps turn-on and turn-off connected home appliances as well as detect intruders and send message to the user’s mobile phone. The system is designed to be highly secured, flexible, reliable and affordable.
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