Packaging Materials, Storage Conditions, Shelf Stability, Date SeedAbstract
Food packaging helps maintain food safety, minimize environmental impacts and
protect from spoilage/damages. This study evaluated the effects of packaging materials
and storage conditions on the shelf-stability of roasted and pulverised date seeds. Date
fruits were gathered and the seeds obtained and processed through the stages of sorting,
soaking, washing, drying at 90°C for 6 hours, roasting at 220°C, cooling, blending and
sieving. Tightly sealed transparent cellophane bags and Plastic containers were used for
packaging. Storage conditions assessed were: Ambient (room) condition, free table and
dark cupboard. Microbial analyses were carried out on the powdered date seed samples
at 2, 7, 14, 28, 42 and 56 days of storage to determine the bacterial and fungi load count,
using nutrient agar, plate count agar and potato dextrose agar. There were no visible
microbial growths on the fresh sample and on samples at 2 days post-production for the
two storage conditions considered in this study. As storage duration increased from day
7, bacteria such as Pseudomonas spp, Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus were isolated
and identified. Also, fungi such as Aspergillus flavus and yeast were isolated and identified.
There were no differences between microbial loads of samples stored in a dark
cupboard and on the table in open space as storage duration increased. The study
showed that a transparent cellophane bag was a more suitable packaging material.
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