
  • F. O. A. GEORGE
  • A. A. IDOWU



, women, fish, fisherfolk, coastal, wetlands.


Coastal wetland area of Ogun State is known for fish production in the southwestern part of Nigeria.  The study area was divided into two strata (lagoon and marine strata).  One hundred structured (100) questionnaires were administered (fifty questionnaires in each strata) to the female fisherfolks.  Information obtained included personal data, level of education, years of experience in the job, areas of involvement in fisheries activities and secondary occupations.  Descriptive statistics (frequency distribution and pie charts) were used to elucidate the information obtained.  The study showed that there was decrease in number of women participating in fisheries activities with increase in age.  Eighty-nine percent respondent female fisherfolks were polygamous with an average size of five children per woman.  Literacy level in the study area was low; secondary school education was the highest educational attainment of the female respondents.    Women were actively involved in fisheries activities (fish smoking, marketing of fresh and smoked fish and middlemen).  Women were also engaged in active fishing which was restricted to lagoon environment.  Involvements in secondary occupations were common practice among the women fisherfolks to augment their income.  Problems confronting these women were highlighted and measures to ameliorate them were discussed.


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