
  • H. A. BAKARE Department of Hospitality and Tourism, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
  • M. A. ADEGUNWA Department of Hospitality and Tourism, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
  • R. A. AKERELE Department of Home Economics and Hotel Management , Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijagun, Ijebu-Ode , Nigeria.
  • A. O. TIJANI Department of Food Science and technology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
  • O. O. ALAKE Department of Hospitality and Tourism, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
  • I. I. ILUGBAMI Department of Hospitality and Tourism, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
  • E. A. FAKEHINDE Department of Hospitality and Tourism, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
  • O. O. OLOYEDE Department of Hospitality and Tourism, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.




Food production, Maize, Culinary attributes, Ogi


This study evaluated the effects of pressure cooking on the textural attributes of Bambara nuts using Response Surface Methodology (RSM).The  study optimized cooking condition {Weight of Bambara (250 – 1000g), cooking time (20 -90 min) and post cooking resident time (2-12 min)} for the pressure boiling on the textural and qualities of Bambara. Five out of the eleven optimised solutions (Desirability Index range of 0.919 to 0.936) were compared with samples from conventionally boiled Bambara for proximate and sensory (colour, texture, aroma and Overall acceptance) qualities.  Data were analysed using RSM, analysis of variance and PPMC. Models for hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, fracturability and sensory texture with adjusted R2 values of 83.41%, 80.99%, 67.37% ,  93,75%  and  88.96%  respectively adequately explained the textural and sensory qualities of boiled bambara. The range of values for moisture, fat, ash, crude protein and carbohydrate were 47.88, 2.24, 1.98, 24.30, 20.91 % to 50.58, 2.58, 2.19, 25.49, 21.87% respectively.  Boiled Bambara produced at verified optimisation solutions (527.62g, 82.55, 10.43 min and 591.69g, 82.96, 9.52 minutes) were not significantly different (p >0.05) from that produced by conventional  method (weight and Cooking time: 500g and 125 min.) in spite of the relatively longer cooking time  of the later.




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