
  • O. I. AMBALI



food security, food insecurity, rural farmers, socio-economic variables, Ogun State


This study examined the determinants of food security status and incidence of food insecurity among faming households in Ijebu Division of Ogun State. A sample of 120 farming households was drawn using multistage sampling procedure and the data were analysed using descriptive statistics, food security index and logit model. The study showed that majority of the household heads fall within the age range of 20-60years and the incidence of food insecurity increases with increase in age of household head. Food insecurity incidence was higher among female headed households. Further revelation showed that majority of the respondents are married and the food insecurity incidence is highest among the married respondents. Household heads with no formal education had the highest food insecurity incidence while those with tertiary education had the lowest food insecurity incidence. Household food insecurity incidence increases with increase in household size. Household food insecurity incidence increases with increase in the farming experience of the household head. Food insecurity incidence of households whose heads are cooperative members was found to be lowest. Using the food security index, the survey related that 59.2% of the respondents were food secure while 40.8% were food insecure. The logit model revealed that the socio-economic characteristics of the farming households such as age (10%), education (10%), household size (1%) and farming experience (5%) are the significant factors influencing the food security status of the farming households in the study area. Effort should be made at improving programmes and policies that will ensure a proper family planning especially in the rural area which will reduce the number of children to that which the household can adequately cater for. Nutrition-oriented programmes should be organized in attempt to improve the food substitution knowledge of the farming households.



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