
  • O. A. C. OLOGBON
  • O. OYEBANJO Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Faculty of Agricultural Management and Rural Development Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ayetoro Campus, Ogun State, Nigeria
  • O.P. OLUWASANYA Department of Cooperative Management and Rural Development Faculty of Administration and Management Sciences Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria
  • A.R. ILORI Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Faculty of Agricultural Management and Rural Development Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ayetoro Campus, Ogun State, Nigeria
  • M.O. FADIPE Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Faculty of Agricultural Management and Rural Development Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ayetoro Campus, Ogun State, Nigeria


Technical efficiency, Profit level, cassava-based systems, total factor productivity


This study analyzed the economic returns and technical efficiency in cassava-based farming systems in selected communities in the Yewa axis of Ogun State. Data were collected from 120 cassava farmers in a two-stage sampling technique. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, budgetary technique, and the stochastic frontier model. The study showed majority of the cassava farmers in the study area to be male, ageing, less formally educated but well experienced in farming. Result of the enterprise’s budgetary analysis showed that cassava sole-cropping generated a total gross margin (GM) of N236,051 and net farm income (NFI) of N233,862 as against the values of N474,084 and N470,168 respectively, for cassava intercrop program during the same production year. From the findings, sole cropping has total factor productivity (TFC) value of 0.46, producing more cassava yield from each unit of the input used than in intercrop program with a TFC value of 0.1.  Land and labour inputs were critical determinants of cassava output in the study area, while the involvement of younger folks in the cassava farming enterprise and attainment of higher education will significantly improve the technical efficiency of the cassava farmers. An average technical efficiency level of 79 percent was obtain for cassava production systems, implying a 21% gap for it to reach maximum production potentials. It was recommended that the policy formulation that will enhance access of the cassava farmers to more cultivable land, improved educational opportunities (through adult literacy education) and labour saving device/technology will assist to rapidly transform the cassava production systems in the study area. This will also help them increase their profitability and efficiency level in cassava production.





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