
  • J. A. ABIONA



Giant African land snails, haemocytes and cytoplasm types.


A study was conducted to evaluate the presence and types of haemocytes inherent in haemolymph of two species of giant African land snails (Archachatina marginata and Achatina achatina). Haemolymph samples were obtained from three liveweight groups of snails (< 100 g, 101-150 g and >150 g) after removal of the first three whorls of the shell. Smears were made from thin layer of settled portion of the haemolymph after six hours. Staining was carried out after air drying at room temperature with MayGrünwald-Giemsa stain.  Four replicates per liveweight per species were used. Representative slides were selected after viewing under microscope. Dimensions of haemocytes identified were taken followed by photomicrograph. Results showed that four haemocyte types were present in the haemolymph of both species. Those haemocytes identified in Archachatina marginata had significantly (P<0.001) higher dimensions than those found in Achatina achatina. Morphologically, the haemocytes were different in terms of shapes, nucleus position and cytoplasm types. It can therefore be concluded from this study that four circulating haemocytes types are present in both Archachatina marginata and Achatina achatina. Furthermore, in terms of dimension, Archachatina marginata had higher values compared to Achatina achatina. Also, morphologically, those four haemocyte types are different from each other in both specie of giant African land snails.



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